Will the iphone 5 get any cheaper?

I want to buy the iPhone 5 outright
currently the only place in aus that seems to do this that I can find is Big W at $788.
do you think it will get any cheaper? Will a new model be coming out soon and does anyone else know anywhere else that I can buy it outright

It should be more cheaper but not too cheap until the new iPone release.

Everyone wants the new iphone, but when that does come out, iphone 5 will become one of the best bargains out there because that price will drop. 4S might even become the free one like 4 is today.
Best Buy, AT&T, and Walmart are all running specials so you can get iphone 5 for $99 on a contract which is a really good deal.

Apple Stores sell them outright/unlocked.


They would get cheaper once the next iPhone comes out which is expected in September.