Will the iPhone 5 I brought from a store work with t-mobile?

I brought an iPhone 5 from a cell phone store that sold all phones from different companies. I have a t-mobile SIM card, only thing that bothering is that will my iPhone 5 get LTE signal or would I have to bring it to t-mobile?

Unfortunately, you will NOT get LTE on the phone you bought on that T-Mobile Sim Card.

The reason is, T-Mobile works on an AWS 1700 frequency.

The phone you bought DOES NOT work on T-Mobile's frequency.

How do I know? It's because T-Mobile hasn't released the AWS 1700 frequency version of their phone yet. It's not out until April 14th.

So if you had only waited just one week more, you would've saved a lot of hassle.

I would suggest you sell it for $600-$650 on Craigslist or eBay and try to recoup some of that money back.

Go to T-Mobile and reserve an iPhone 5.It's no longer on contract anymore.

Hope I answered your question.