With 4g do you get Internet everywhere?

I'm on my dads iPhone and it says 4g in the top left hand corner. We're driving from las Vegas to California and I want to be able to go on Internet the whole ride there, can I?

Added (1). Oh ok, I don't know much about this whole iPhone and other cell phone stuff, well I still have service.

Depends on the service area, if there aren't towers in range then you will lose service.

Not necessarily. 4g refers to speed and capacity not accesibility.

Will will not get 4g internet everywhere places where there's less cell phone towers is where you won't get internet and where you do not have service you will also not have internet but with my 4g i get service and internet in more places than i old 3g phone

With 4g you do get internet at 4g speeds. To know exactly where 4g is look up your coverage map on your phone providers website. When 4g is not available it should switch to 3g which allows you to remain on the internet but it doesn't have the same speed. Also keep in mind a good tip. You may want to talk to your dad and make sure he has a data plan that provides alot of data, as some providers these days have capped their data plans. If he says or has unlimited data or a data plan that has alot to use you should be ok. Just talk to him first, its no fun when you go over a data limit. HAPPY TRAVELING.