Would it be safe to take my iphone to pakistan?

I'm going to pakistan next week and i was wondering if ti would be safe to take my new iphone because last time i went, a few things were stolen

Added (1). we're staying in a hotel

Added (2). i'm pakistani so don't be offended or anything

I would always keep it in your pocket, don't leave anything in rooms in places like that.

I was in Detroit in May 2013 and was talking on my Samsung S 3 when someone pushed me from behind and my phone fell down, this person bolted and picked up the phone and ran away with it. Even the US is so unsafe, why blame us Pakistanis.

I don't see any reason why you can't bring your iPhone with you in Pakistan. Anywhere you go, there are thieves. What you should do is avoid showing off your valuable stuff when in crowded areas. Be mindful of your belongings and use a bit of a common sense and all will be fine.

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