Would it be weird if i purchased the iphone 5s instead of the 6?
I'm a 13 year old girl, and 1. Can't really afford the iphone 6, and 2. Its too big. But my friend said it would be weird… Is it odd to get the iphone 5s?
Not at all. Just because it isn't the latest model doesn't mean its "weird"
Wow. Just to get a phone made 2 years ago? No.
Why would it be weird to pick a product that fit your personal needs vs one that didn't?
No. If you can't afford the 6 then that dictates the reason why. Don't try to live outside of your means.
Get the new moto X. Its way better, has much longer bettery, and is cheaper
No, not at all but one thing I'll tell you is to stop listening to what your friends say if you buy the phone its yours after all IT IS A PHONE.
Its weird that your friend thinks its weird
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