Would this be a good dummy/toy?

So lately my brother has been using my phone and iPod. I thought that getting him a fake plastic one would keep him from taking my phone. WRONG! He complained, saying it was plastic, but was fine with it not working. So, I figured getting some cheap parts for assembling a dummy iphone 4 (home button, screen, back, and a weight in it to add for real ness) so I've been saving money and got enough for it. Is this a smart idea? Or am I wasting my time? (He's 12 years old with autism.)

I think it's a great idea and you are not wasting your time, after you buy it and everything both you and your brother will be satisfied and he won't use your phone anymore because he'll have his own fake one but good enough right? It'll be better than nothing. By the ways i do think its a SMART idea that you came up with this. Hope it works for you.

Tell him that you broke your ipod and then explain that life sucks.

Save up some money and buy his own or pretend you broke it and tell him and don't play with it in front of him