Would this make me a bad person to give this child to his Mom?

Raised my nephew since he was one now he's 10 almost 11. I've put mydating life, social and everything on hold for him. I'm 28 and don't have kids just graduated college after having to stop multiple times. When he was 10 months, my sister gave him to my Mom and my Mom got married and left him with me and vanished. I was in college and had to drop out work 3 jobs just to survive. Meanwhile his mom kept any government assistance and tax benefits.

He's become very defiant, always lying and very unappreciative. I get a call from school everyday about his behavior. I asked him last night was he happy with me he said no he just had no where better to go. I try to give him the best life but not spoiling him. He's upset because I won't buy him a iPhone X and because he has chores everyday. I'm just at my breaking point. I feel like I'm failing him. I've gave him all of me but it's never enough. I talk to him, try to make him not be so materialistic. When he get in front of others he shows out and talk back. Would I be wrong to give him back to his mom and go on with my life. Of course I would always be there for him.

Well first it was your mistake to allow her to keep benefits you should have been receiving. Unfortunately, DCF should have been called. You need to either be appointed his guardian through a court or call Dept of Children and Families or whatever equivalent you have in your state.

Ahh. 10. Both of my kids rebelled at 10. Now my 10 year old nephew is giving his mom hell. It's the age. Puberty is actually happening RIGHT NOW. His hormones are doing this to him. He should quiet down in a few more years. Then you get to start all over again at 16! Yay!

Why would you give him up? You ARE his mom. You are all he's ever known. The best way to help him through this is by staying firm in your rules and decisions but letting him know he's still wanted and loved. He's still just a kid. Confused and lost and lonely. Angry with the unjustness of the world and no outlet to combat these emotions cause it's OK for adults to get angry but never kids. I'd distract him with keeping him busy in a hobby he loves.

I would give hinn to sonneone else but not to his nnother