Ypad or innotab for my child?
My son is almost 4 and for christmas i was looking into getting him the innotab2. Hes quite bright plays on my iphone laptop etc knows what's he doing so i think he would benefit from this innotab2 which retails at around £70 but recently everyone is talking about a ypad which is a kids version of the ipad but people are selling them for like £15-£20 surely they wouldnt be worth it? Has anybody actually got any of these two i'm now in two minds which to get. Price is not an issue i'd rather pay the 70 if it means better quality and educational games etc than a cheap thing that is useless. Anybody who has them can you tell me what they are like are they worth buying or should i stick to the innotab2?
I've never heard of a Ypad but I recently purchased my 3 year old daughter the innotab 2 for her birthday. She loves it! I also got a 16gb SD card and was able to put her DVD's on it so she can also watch her movies on it in the car and such. You will have to purchase games/books and the like from the vtech website or cartridges from the store.
I found a video of the Ypad on youtube It doesn't look or act anything like the ipad and seems like it's just a fancier version of the kids laptop type things you pick up at a yard sale for five dollars.
I would go with the Innotab 2 for sure
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