Can i use an iphone during airplane flight?

I've been only 3 times on an airplane but i was little. I do have anxiety so i want to take anxiety pills. Would any anxiety pills work? Also i want to use the iphone for taking a video of the view and hear music. I know i need to turn on airplane mode so no one calls me, but will they allow it? I just want something to distract me from the noise and from anxiety. Also can i turn on airplane mode and turn the Wi-Fi on?

It has to be in airplane mode.

The moment you go on the airplane switch your iPhone to airplane mode, and you can use it all the way

As long as it's in airplane mode you can use it after you take of until your on decent. They announce that when you board and just before you land. There are very few planes that allow you to not have airplane mode on as they state if you done have airplane mode on it can interfere with the pilots instruments.

You can also listen to music or watch tv on the flight. Either plug your headphones into the seat to listen or buy a set from them after you board for $5. Both work. Choose what to watch or listen too and sit back and enjoy.

You can use it like normal when in flight. You just will need to put it in airplane mode when taking off and landing. They will notify you.

Planes usually have some kind of mini cell tower built into them so phones work, and aircraft radios work.

Yes! You can. There's no problem in using phones as long as you won't communicate using it.

Yes, you can use your iphone in airplane mode during the flight. New rules allow you to keep it on even during take off and landing (in airplane mode).

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