How did people live without iPhone, Keurig and Brita water filters and USB ports in the car?

How did people live without iPhone, Keurig and Brita water filters and USB ports in the car?

Because back in the days we didn't have them so it is not necessary to have them now.
As for the water part, the water was much more cleaner back then and the population was smaller too. So the more people you have the more germs etc yo have.
I use the water filter (PUR) now but I didn't back then.
Too many horror stories about the water these days.
I don't need a smartphone when I have a landline phone and I use my desktop computer… Why waste money when My computer can do all the work?
I love my Mr Coffee so I don't need something else.

The same way people lived without cars, air conditioners, electricity and furnaces.

I do without all of them just fine.

Our little world changed when we told the iceman not to leave us any more ice. We were modern! Refrigerators were one of the first modern appliances we had in our house. No more dripping trays under the ice box to catch the melting ice. We didn't have to wonder how people got along without certain things. We knew.

I don't have or want any of those things now. I didn't know you could get a usb port in a car or why you would want one.

You walked to a phone box with your pennies to make a phone call.
Coffee was readily available.
Water is water.
A radio in the car was entertainment enough.

Yeah it was tough…
When I grew up iphone was a booth you put quarters in…
Coffee came from Juan Valdez before he found Coke dealing paid more…
Fancy water came in green bottles from Perrier…
My cars had cig lighters, cassette decks & you read road maps from the gas station.
I had even go to a Arcade to play a video game!

I'm a senior and I live without any of these now and I don't have a problem. You don't miss what you never had.

They lived just fine. I don't have nay of those things.

I don't see why you've been allowed to post the question as it refers to brand names presumably. I guess i could report you if i had more time as any of my questions with brand names are refused for posting.

Life was better somehow without any of that. People were more self-sufficient.

Sweetheart, I still live without all that stuff.

I do just fine! I don't have any of those things and don't feel even a tiny bit deprived.

We lived just fine. If not better.

I never missed what I never had at the time.

Telephone was used in the home or via a phone booth for business, emergencies or social talk. Don't need all the gadgets.

I still have my mom's Mr. Coffee (the one that was built with quality to last). Don't drink a lot of coffee these days. Acid reflux

Water was cleaner. Now I have to use the Brita water filters.

The only thing I do in my car is drive and pay attention to the road/pedestrians. Well maybe I may eat some french fries.

People didn't NEED those things, just as they don't need them now. The nearest one of them that might be a necessity would be the water filter, because water is not as pure as it used to be. We have to use a lot of chemicals to make it drinkable. We certainly don't need iphones. The telephone was invented for people to talk on, not play games, text while driving, or any of the other cute things those expensive things do. Good old aluminum or glass coffee pots were plenty good enough for making coffee. Why spend $200 just to show off some "frou-frou-frou" coffee flavor? As for as USDB ports in a vehicle, the same thing goes for them as for the iphone. Pay attention while driving and quit playing with toys. Almost no senior citizens feel the slightest need for such contraptions. We lived a long time without them, and we'll do fine continuing to do without them.

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