How to know if my iPhone 5s has a virus?

I was using the google chrome app and i clicked on this website and i closed it later. The website looked pretty suspicious. When I tried to go on some specific websites it would be very slow! But it was normal speed for other websites. I found that weird so I deleted the app and downloaded back. Now its normal speed on my specific websites and other sites, but I'm still a bit concerned that my 5s has a virus on it. Is there ways to tell? Or do iphones don't get viruses? Answer if you know it for a fact.

Unless you installed something, you should be fine. Especially on an iphone, they are very stable, don't worry about it.

I mean, I can't guarantee it, but I wouldn't be worried at all. Programmers usually only code viruses for Windows computers and in rare cases Macs. They wouldn't spend the time to create malware for a phone, when it would be much more effective to make one for a PC.
Worst case scenario you can wipe it and start over, but I think you are over thinking it.

It doesn't.

If it is not jailbroken, it does not have a virus.