How to scan my iPhone for viruses?

How can I scan my iPhone for viruses?

Only andriod has a app to check for that. Your computer scans it when you connect it

VirusBarrier is pretty much the only and best one out there. For 2.99, its a pretty good price and its database is very extensive.

Connect to a computer as a mass storage divice and scan the computer with something as avg

I think the most important question here is, "Why do you want to scan your iPhone for viruses?" What is going on that makes you feel it is at risk? Chances are, it doesn't have a virus. The Apple Store is locked down and the only true way your phone will get infected is because you applied a jailbreak and downloaded something without researching it.

I'm so tired of this happening! When I play trivia crack occasionally a flash of you have 4or 6 viruses shows up -AT&T said don't worry and just delete it! When is this going to stop?