I don't want girls. Travel or iphones. I just want to live without working?

I don't want girls. Travel or iphones. I just want to live without working? - 1

Find a rich girl

Can't do that.

Well good luck with all that!

  • Will I need an electrical/power adapter to travel to England? (I live in Canada)? I'm traveling to England next summer to visit some family for a month and I was wanting to bring my laptop and phone along with me. I have a Sony Vaio and iPhone 4 (I don't know if that makes a difference at all). If I need to get one, what type do I buy and where can I purchase one? Preferably not online.
  • Why do girls take their iPhones and iPods into the bathroom? It always seems to be girls rather than boys who have accidents with these things falling into the toilet. This morning, my friend told me at church that she dropped her iPhone into the toilet at home while she was getting ready for church. She went to the bathroom, and it accidentally fell into the toilet just after she flushed it, so it went down along with everything else. Now her parents are going to have to call a plumber tomorrow because the toilet doesn't flush properly now.
  • Why do girls copy other girls? There's this girl I know and she 1. I colored my hair brown, so she did 2. I became a cashier at a grocery store, she did 3. Wore my glasses, so she did 4. Went to a facemakeover, she did 5. Bought an iphone, she did Those are just a few. What would cause a girl to want to copy you so much?
  • Why do all popular girls have iphones? I don't understand why… Like in my school, its so stereotypical. Its like, you don't have an iPhone, you're weird and should not be popular. They tap on those things so much and have stupid sparkly cases on them. It buggs me alot and feel like throwing them. I have an iphone too, but i'm not that obsessed. Is it the same with your school too?