I found an iPhone 4, can I use it?

I found an iPhone 4 and it is still linked to a verizon number and the verizon network. It hasn't been locked but no one has claimed it. Is there any way for me to get rid of the verizon number and network and flash it to a prepaid carrier?

Umm I don't think You can

How would you like it if somebody found your phone and started using it as their own? If it's still connected to the network, call the company and find the owner. If you don't want to do at least that, you're no better than a thief.

Of course not. Contact Apple or Verizon - they should have info on the owner. Unless you enjoy spending time in jail, that is.

Turn it in to the police.

There are laws that require people to turn in found valuable property either to the owner or to the police so they can try to find the owner.

You could be arrested for failure to attempt to find the lawful owner of that iPhone 4.

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