I have an internet connection but everything I do is slow?

From my iphone, to my computer, to my xbox my internet is beyond slow and I can't stream anything! It takes forever just to load a page up. Any solutions? Btw I've tried unplugging it no help.

Added (1). I have Mediacom

Check your internet speed, use speedtest dot com or their app, then see what your max speed really is.

I have Comcast which gives me 62 mbs d/l & 9 mbs u/l for my home, my HTC phone only gives me about 45 mbs max.

Ah, you didn't say what service you have…

Depending upon your Connection bandwidth, too many devices on the network might be killing the speed. VDI services such as iVDI dot com is one solution, providing 20 Mbps bandwidth with seamless HD video streaming from US & UK. It's compatible with Tablets and Smartphones as well.

You should probably go for a free trial first!

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