I wasn't invited to a halloween party?

Basically there's a halloween party this friday that this girl is having. I'm not best friends with this girl but I was expecting to be invited as over 50 people are going and I've known her for a long time. We have both lived on the same road for about 11 years and when we were younger we used to play out in the street together on scooters and stuff. That was from the ages of about 7-11, then when we were 11 we went to the same secondary school and became really close. Over the past year or two we haven't hung out together as much but I still talk to her as a good friend and we've never had any problems. Anyway I heard that she was thinking about having a party on friday for halloween and that loads of our mutual friends were going but she didn't invite me. I sent her a direct message on twitter asking if she would mind me coming, thinking that maybe she had just forgot about me, or accidently missed me out (about 24 hrs ago) and she hasn't replied. There's a very slim chance that she hasn't seen the message because she was tweeting earlier and posting snapchat stories from her iphone (which never leaves her hand). What should I do. I know it's her choice, but I really want to go to catch up with people I haven't seen for ages, and also the party is in my road and I will probably be able to hear the music and will be so upset if I'm just sitting at home alone.

I can't believe you asked to be invited to a party you were not invited to. I've never heard of ANYONE doing that. She does not consider you a friend or you would have already been invited. Back off and leave her alone. You're not invited.

Grow up o-o, dude you sound like a snotty white girl XD, look is she doesn't want to invite you then there's a reason, maybe you guys arent as good friends or she doesn't want you to come bc of the other friends that may not like you

this is drama

If she says no or does not answer you need to stay home and get a lesson ingrowing up, or go someplace else and ignore the whole situation


Do you grammar much?

She didn't invite you. You have to accept that. She can't invite everyone, and you were not on her list. She probably does not consider you a good friend. These things happen in life. You have to move on. Do something else on Halloween.

You should go treats yourself girl! Order pizza or go shopping! If that doesn't make you feel better invite your friends over have a sleepover, Dance like there's no one there! You can have so much fun by yourself!

You guys are really rude, obviously she is pretty hurt by this. If she doesn't reply ever, and you really want to be friends with this girl, then would ask her the day of Halloween if she is mad at you for some reason. And say your not trying to invade her party, just that your curious as why she hasn't talked to you. If you weren't invited, i'm sorry you shouldn't go. Maybe invite some real friends out to go to haunted houses, or have a sleep over with lots of candy and scary movies. Just my advice, but keep your head up!

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