IPhone 5s fingerprint ID will not let me make a fingerprint?

My iphone 5s will not let me make a fingerprint.

It works on other people, just not mine.

The reason why i got this phone was because, i wanted the touch ID. Why isn't it working?

Try cleaning the sensor with a handkerchief.

Clean the sensor, and delete any other finger prints in the settings app. Be sure to follow the instructions very carefully, when I first did it I had the same problem

After cleaning the sensor, wet your hands in warm water for a few mins, then use any sort of lotion on your hands and finger, and allow it to FULLY absorb. Then try the finger print scanner. If it works, the problem was your print(s) were just dry. This is a pretty common problem for people with dry skin on their fingers and hands.

A quick finger lick to moisten the finger pad (print area), and a tap on the pants to dry, should also work.

Has to be something you are doing wrong, never heard of that happening, something on your finger or the sensor button?