Iphone won't connect to my home Wi-Fi?

I've had my Wi-Fi for atleast 6 months now and my phone automatically connects whenever i return home… Today it didn't. I tried going in and manually connecting but it kept saying unable to join network so i clcked forget this network in order to reenter my password and connect again, but it still says unable to join network?! I need Wi-Fi on my phone i barely get service here! If anyone could help that would be amazing!

Added (1). Also i'm using my Wi-Fi on my computer now and my playstation three and it is working perfectly fine! I don't know what to do help me! Lol

Added (2). Thank you all. I reset my router box and let it connect again and everything s working just peachy lol. Thanks for saving me from a mini heart attack! Lol

Try resetting the Wi-Fi box, unplug it for 10 seconds, then plug it in again, then it should reboot and work again, hope it works

Either reset network settings in the settings app or try turning off the iPhone and then turn it back on

Possibly your putting in the wrong password?

Don't freak out. Go unplug your cords that connect to your router (it is connect to your computer). Then wait ten seconds to a minute. Plug every thing back in and try to connect your phone to your Wi-Fi.

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