Is it possible to bypass a data plan on an iPhone?

Sadly, i still use a basic phone on my verizon account. I can't afford to pay for data but i was wondering, if I were to buy a used iphone, or get one given to me from a friend, would i be able to use a special program on the computer or a hack of some sort that lets me use the iphone for basic cellular uses? Without using any internet or 3G or 4G? Just use it the same way as a basic phone? I'm fine with just using internet features with Wi-Fi available. Is there a program or hack i can do to make this possible?


No matter what you do, Verizon can tell you're using a smartphone, and you will be charged for data.

Why not just get an iPod touch or something? That's what they made those for.

Pretty sure that if you aren't under contract, that the data plan isn't required. So you could buy the phone from somewhere else and just use it. As long as you aren't using data.

Nope. Smartphone = data plan

Verizon will not activate any smartphone unless a smartphone data plan is agreed to. There's absolutely no way around this requirement.

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