My computer keeps restarting when connected to my Internet

My computer keeps restarting itself if I'm connected to my Internet either wireless or through a Ethernet cable. I took my computer to the repair shop and long and behold it worked fine on their wireless. I have a tablet and a iPhone that is hooked up to my wireless as well and they work fine! My Internet provided did give me a new router just in case and still restarting. Now if I hurry up and disconnect from the wireless as soon as the computer comes on it will not shut off. But if I have the Ethernet cable plugged in it will keep on restarting. It even shuts off in safe mode with networking. Someone please help!

Thats just weird, yeah man you're going to have to have some one to come out to a that

It could be:
-a virus. AVG is a good antivirus.
-spy programs. Once I saw hundreds of them waiting for internet connection. AVG will get rid of them.
-fan overheats when load gets increased

There's something wrong with the "handshake" between your laptop's Wi-Fi card and your router (most likely it is a router issue). If it were me, I would web in to the router and restore factory defaults. If that fails, I would look at a new router. Hope this helps!

Is your PC overheating?

Are you blowing the dust out of the vents (while) off with compressed air?

Are you blocking the vents?

If you've neglected cooling too long, your processor is going have a shortened life. You might want to get your back-ups in place.

If you have a virus / malware, your PC might also be over-working and causing this reboot as well.

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