My iPhone 5c won't connect to my home internet?

My iPhone 5c connects to other Wi-Fi but not my home Wi-Fi. I know my home Wi-Fi works because all my other devices are working on it. I tried connecting and it keeps saying incorrect password or failed to connect. I know the password i entered is correct though. How do I fix the problem?

Typically this happens when a device (your iPhone) and the Wi-Fi network (your router) have an incompatibility. My experiences with this issue suggest it happens in 2% to 5% of router/device combinations. Symptoms include not detecting a particular network, not being able to connect to certain networks, or a slow or intermittent connection. Sometimes the connection will be slow, but fast enough for the user not to realise that the problem exists.

With a regular computer, the solution can be a different driver for the wireless adapter or even a different adapter such as a USB device. Unfortunately this does not help you.

The only answer I know of for your phone is to get a Wireless Access Point and connect it to your router by Ethernet. You can use this as a second Wi-Fi network (on a different channel and with a different network name - SSID) or you can disable the Wi-Fi in the router and use the access point as your only Wi-Fi network.

It might be worth asking Apple if they have an alternative driver, but I doubt whether one is available.

Too bad we don't know which Wi-Fi router. Try adding a leading $ to the password. Example: If the network password is "passW0rd", then on the iPhone, enter "$passWord".

We also assume that the current Wi-Fi router does not require the device's MAC address to be entered into the Wi-Fi router's Wi-Fi access list.

This was a common issue a few years ago on older Wi-Fi routers

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