Should the government pay for everyone to have iPhones?

I have one and they are the future. So everyone needs to have one and I hate when people don't. So why doesn't the government give everyone an iPhone and just pay for the service? I mean they pay for people's food and their houses, why can't they buy everyone a phone?

That wouldn't be the stupidest waste of money under the Obama administration

I'd ask Ronald Reagan, since he started the program. Hold on, I have to go grab my medium.

Not if they're going to be running iOS 8, yuck.

The government actually does offer a free cell phone for low income folks. But your logic is… It's not even close. You can't assume that iPhones "are the future". All of product history would prove you wrong. Also, no one would say that an iPhone is a "need". Maybe it's a "need" to own a cell phone. But there's no reason for it to be an iPhone. Lastly, the government doesn't pay for people's food or housing. Taxes pay for these things. I mean this question is just unanswerable. You need to ask it in a different way.

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