Why does everyone have Iphones?

Everywhere I go, school, store, beach, even a family members house, I see people have Iphones! I feel like such an outsider with my Pantech. My friends say the Iphones are the " cool thing " right now and I'm just wondering why it seems like EVERYONE has one? What makes them so special?

You can pretty much do anything on them. I have one and they are the best.

You can browse the web from anywhere
You can listen to music
You can check emails
Look up youtube videos
Going on social media site
Take pic + videos
Voice recordings
Read magazines
Get directions to anywhere
Check the weather

Because apple is a marketing machine that pushes style over substance and people eat it up. Just like your friends say, people buy iphones because they think its cool, because that's what apple has taught the country to think. Smart people buy phones for what they're capable of at a certain price.

Because they are noob friendly and easy to use even tho they suck people get them just like justin bieber has millions of fans.

Things that are not so cool with iphones:

1. Gotta song that your friend likes and she/he want it too? Sorry, if they are using the iphone, you can't send the song over to them, cause the bluetooth on the iphone can only be used with ear pieces, not sharing files with other phone brands. Heck! Even sharing amongst iphones are not enabled. (!)

2. Wanna download that song you like into the iphone? Sorry, no can do. You gotta connect it to your laptop, sync with iTunes and then drag the song into your iTunes from my our computer files, then it gets in to your phone. Smart? I think not… Android users don't even need to link up with itunes, we just use the music app to look for songs that we like, press download, and viola! It's in my phone already. Now, That's real cool…

Lots of other stuff too… Check them out in the Net.

Teens are like sheep (or lemmings) they what what "everyone" else has, they desire to look just like everyone else, to blend in, just look like a clone of every other teenager.

This has been going on for decades, nothing new, no news flash here. Ask you parents to see their high school photos, you will see many silly fashion trends. They might admit to their silliest teen fads if you ask nicely.

Crowd following sheeps and people who can't think for themselves.iPhones are for simpletons.

It is one the best phones available in the market.

  • Why does everyone love iPhones? Why does everyone love and have iPhones? They are the worst phones ever! I think androids are way better. The iPhone is the same thing every year! Whenever my friends get an iPhone they are all like "yay! I got an iPhone!" But if they get an android they just say "i got a new phone" I'd never trade my galaxy got an iPhone. Why does everyone love them? They are terrible.
  • Why does everyone I know with iphones have cracked screens? ? DROID > iphone. I have had so many people try to convince me that iphones are better, but I love my droid too much, lol. I used to be an apple snob, but iphones are overrated.
  • Why does everyone have the iPhone 4 and 4s? I see nobody with the 5, 5c, or 5s? In my school, I only saw like one guy have an iPhone 5 and that was last year. My school is pretty big too, about 2, 500-2, 600 people. Then, I will see the occasional Galaxy S3/S4
  • Why does everyone have the iPhone 4/4S? Honestly, these days, i can't almost no-body in public without the iPhone 4/4S, like i thought the Galaxy SIII was the more popular phone?