Slow Response to texts after giving me her number. What Happened?

So I met this girl online and we chatted for a few days. I gave her my number but she didn't text or call. We chatted a bit more and last night she gave me her number. I texted her around 3 this afternoon and she has been slow to reply to texts all day. Sometimes 3 hours go by. And she said it was her day off. I didn't think too much of it. Tonight she replied around 9pm and we shot a few texts back and forth. The stuff we seemed to get along about. She was asking questions and seemed interested. Then she disappeared again for 3 hours. She replied a bit ago and I shot her a text back. We both are using Iphones so I saw that she was typing a reply but then she just stopped and I haven't heard from her the rest of the night. What's up, did I make her lose interest?

She's sounds like she's just not that into you. By the way, I hate when people do that, too. Find a new love interest. She's not worth the head or heart ache you will get if you continue being a puppy.

Maybe she's just busy, or doesn't know what to text back. This happens all the time with this guy and me. I get busy or have no response, but I still really like him. It's too early to tell if she lost interest or not. Don't worry, you'll find out if she really does or doesn't like you in time. Maybe a few more weeks.

She's either to nice to tell you she's not interested or she has a boyfriend.

I think she fell uneasy now. She just thinking what she will say or something like that. Its better you call her at night and try to talk with her you will find out what on his mind.

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