I dropped my iPhone 4 down the toilet

I was at my friends house and that's where it happened I immediately reached down to grab my iPhone out of the toilet, it was still working! I nearly cried with happiness. The battery was low so i stuck it on the charger and left it to charge (this was for about an hour) when I went back to it, it kept showing the ringer sign on the screen and saying my volume was down low and the sign would not leave my screen so I turned my phone of, when I went to turn it on it wouldn't go on, I near died.

I wasn't home till around 10 that night and this all happened at 6 or so. My iPhone still wouldn't turn on so I stuck it on the charger and the screen lit up with the apple on it, I thought yes! But then it said to connect to iTunes, so I got my laptop on and as soon as I unplugged the charger the iPhone went blank, I plugged it into my laptop, nothing happened. So I googled it and it did to put it in rice, I did that and set it in the hot press and left it over night.

the next day I went to check on it, I took it out of the rice and tried turning it on, nothing happened so I plugged it into the charger and it lit up with the apple and then went off again, then turned on and off again, heartbroken I unplugged it (went dead) and put it in the rice again. This happened Saturday and today is Wednesday, it's been in the rice since today, I took it out and tried it again no luck, plugged it in the charger, it switched on, showed the apple went off again. It's back in the rice now.

What I want to know, is my iPhone gone forever? Have I fried it? And what should I do? I'm absolutely devastated so please if anyone's had a similar experience please comment, and tell me what you did. Thanks!

Added (1). I forgot to mention I did take it apart and it looked dry although I didn't remove the battery or anything, hanks jessica.

Pull it apart and put it all on a towel in the airing cupboard works everytime. Although you changed it so may not work but go try it

Here are the steps
1.take a bowl of rice and put your phone in it
2.draw a white star in the middle of your floor in chalk and light candles around it
3. Make a blood sacrifice (a cat will probably do)
4.hold the cat up in the air and chant "Egeo puppis vel moriar" until the chalk sets on fire
5.satan will take your phone and eat it, you will get it back when his digestive cycle is over in the mail

  • Teens how can this stupid girl drop her Iphone down the toilet? I mean why would you be using the phone in the bathroom in the first place, and it aint just white girls that do this too, this one black girl and a mixed girl i know drop their phone in the toilet too. the bathroom is for business not phones AM I RIGHT?
  • Is tbere any major différence between thé iPhone 6 and the 6s? Whooppeee is Xmas again and my daughter wants new 2nd hand) iPhone… 2 years ago almost bought her 5 before i réaliséd that it was 5s she wanted ( cos thé 5 sucks?) And I don't want to screw up this year…
  • Iphone 4S dropped down the toilet I dropped my iPhone 4s down the toilet earlier. The back camera is blurry. The phone itself is working but won't register with iTunes. I've put it in a bag of rice in the airing cupboard to dry out. Do you think this will be enough to bring it back to life?
  • If you were to flush plastic down the toilet? Will it go down? Or will it float back up and choke up the pipe. The plastic is a little smaller than an iPhone 3. Like maybe 3cm smaller.