Use a smartphone as a router?

I just got an iPhone 7

Is i can quit my internet provider

To have only LTE mobile internet? But can we use the iPhone as a router

Added (1). 4GB Data mobile

Risk of rapidly overtaking?

YES and OH Hell yes

Yes you can use your iPhone as a router. You would enable tethering/hotspot. However, you probably will burn through the 4Gb of data very quickly if you have a lot of devices all connected to it.

Mobile Internet isn't really a replacement for regular home Internet. It does work, but oftentimes, it may cost a lot more than a regular home Internet plan.

Depends on what you want to do - 4 GB isn't much. The last Fallout 4 highres texture pack was over 50 GB.

You can use phone as hot spot. You will pay for data used.

You should be able to tether your phone, to use it as a modem to provide an Internet Connection, although I believe this can work out more expensive

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