Why are other people jealous of those that are wealthy and successful?

Is this a mental disorder? What if you make fun of the jealous person and they hit you out of jealousy?

i showed an iphone to the people in my class and one of them started to scream at me and i told him to calm down then he tried to claw my face

Added (1). i'm 15

This is something that shouldn't exist but it always will exist, although maybe to a lesser extent eventually.

There will never be equality between the rich and poor.

People should not try to bring business owners down when they succeed, just as the rich should not manipulate and exploit the poor and try to keep them in their place.

I think there maybe a few issues going on here, and disparity of income may not be one of them. Not sure how old you are, but some parents decide not to give iphone to younger kids (or even teens), because kids and teens don't know how to take care of their stuff. Between my 2 kids, we've had 3 or 4 iPhones so far lost, broken or otherwise destroyed. The boy who got violent in your class clearly has impulse control problem. Try showing him a frog in a glass jar - you may get the same reaction. Bragging definitely triggers anger in some people. Others are able to ignore it. It's more of a personality issue than income disparity. If you like to think of yourself as "wealthy or successful" and of others as "not" - while snobbish and true, it is still a matter of opinion. If you want to make friends - find something in common with those people who you want to befriend, like common interests, hobbies, movies, books, etc, instead of "haves" and "not haves" that put you apart. If you just want to show off - it doesn't matter what you do (showing the iPhone, a pair of fancy socks or big green frog) - it won't earn you any friends.

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