Why do people always HAVE to have the latest iPhone?

Why do people always HAVE to have the latest iPhone?

Mostly because they can. Those that can afford it, are allowed to do what they wish. Those that can't, well they tend to go into debt to get the latest one, or steal them from those that can afford them.

Some people like having the latest & greatest.

New features, new hardware. If you don't like it then stick with your old version, thats better then being a chronic complainer and crying about what others do.

I don't know. I have a Trac flip phone. But I also have an Ipod touch, with limited phone service. I can live with out phone service on my Ipod, but I'm addicted to my collection of apps. Most of my apps are for internet radio and podcasts.

So I think that people get addicted to having iPhone apps, and need the latest iPhone, with more memory so that they can have more apps.

Because iPhones are great phones!

They don't. There's a stereotype to that effect but I don't think it's accurate. The iPhone 5 came out about 2 years ago and I can still see people with older 4 and 4S models. Many of the phones you're looking at that may be 5S could easily be older iPhone 5 models - in cases it's hard to tell one from another. This means that many new phones are actually from 2012 and are about to become 2 generations old.

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