Why does my fully-charged iPhone drain its battery overnight?

As always, please be respectful to me and give an appropriate answer because really, 'trolling' or answering to this question with an inappropriate really isn't worth your time. Thank you.

I was wondering if anybody knew the reason as to why my iPhone (3G) or rather back-up device with out a sim, is all of a sudden draining its battery on its own. This is only recent. I used to go to sleep with a fully-charged (or close to, around 90%) and wake up with the maximum of 10-15% of the battery drained. However, it has come to my attention that this no longer is the case. Instead, when I wake up my fully-charged device will have absolutely no battery left. Mind you, I clear my multitask history before I sleep and my brightness is only a quarter to a third of the bar. This device was bought during the year of its release.

Any advice or explanation? I would prefer seeking help from the Apple Store as my final option.

The battery may simply be wearing out; they typically don't last more than a couple of years.

It's also possible that the phone is doing something intensive at night, maybe an iCloud backup?

Check and see how many apps you have activated. These are notorious for draining the Battery. Also see how old the battery is. Even if you have had it just a short while, the battery might be old. Sometimes a sales person will slip in an old battery in place of the one that came with the new phone. Even rechargeable batteries have a finite life span and eventually wear out.

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