Am I able to cancel a sold item on eBay just because I don't trust the buyer?

I sold an iPhone on eBay and the highest bidder bid somewhat higher than normal, which was a bit odd but I didn't really think much of it. Then I noticed that he's from a different country, has 0 feedback, created his account on the same day that the listing ended, and 48 hours later he still hasn't paid for the item. I personally feel as if the buyer is kinda sketchy and I would rather not risk letting things go awry, so I was thinking about sending a second chance offer to the next highest bidder -- but I don't know if I can do that because I need to cancel the transaction between me and the highest bidder first -- and I don't know if I'm allowed to cancel my order with him just because I don't necessarily trust him.

You can indeed cancel the transaction, especially if he has not paid yet.
If the second highest bidder does not buy, the next time when you list you can sell only in the US if you wish (recommended).

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