Am I spoiled like people say?

It's really annoying me that people say I'm.
I'm a 14 year old girl (15 in about 3 months)

Here's what I have:
-iPhone 4
-iPod Touch 3rd Gen
-MacBook Pro 13"
-A shih tzu dog (I usually take care of her but my dad buys her food and pays vet bills)
-27" tv (I think it's that much it might be more might be a little less)
-I usually get my clothes from Aeropostale, Walmart (only their L. E. I jeans, which I love. And socks from there too), sometimes JcPennies and shoes from Payless or Charlotte russe

-I have all A's except one C (in algebra 1, I don't understand very much) and a B in science (I don't understand and don't like it)
-We don't go shopping very often(once-twice a month) because the closest town with a mall is and hour and 15 minutes away and my dad doesn't want to waste gas which I can understand
-I'm sweet and nice and kind of shy I'm only a brat when needed be (when someone is being a brat back, and when someone is bullying my friends)

I would buy a lot of things with my own money but there's no where in my town I can work at my age except a food restaurant but I don't like it there (I'm planning on working at the grocery store when I turn 16 in February 2014) And my dad is thinking about me doing chores for money he hasn't decided yet

You sound like a good kid. You're privileged but that doesn't necessarily mean you're a brat. It all comes down to treating others with respect regardless of their stations in life and being grateful for all you have.

I don't think you are totally SPOILED per say, but you do have nice things and your parents buy you things as well, which is more than some people. There are ssome people out there that are really spoiled, who get literally EVERYTHING they want. You are not one of them, but you are more privliged than others.
I have a blackberry, ipod 4, new laptop, kindle 4, nice clothes from my parents, whatever; people say that I'm spoiled, but I'm constantly broke with my own form of money because I don't get allowance and the only job I have is occasional babysitting. So it works different ways.
Whoever is telling you that you are, don't take it to heart. You just might have a different way of living then they do or did growing up.

Okay, stop bragging. I have a laptop, iPad 2, iPod Nano, Flat screen tv (it's not big), nice clothes (Aero, Hollister, Uder Armour, Nike, Justice, JcPenneys). I have US Polo Assassin, KMart, Nike, Payless, Converse, Adidas, etc) shoes. But I don't brag.

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