Am I spoiled or are these people spoiled?

My parents always have told me that I'm incredibly spoiled. I have always went along with it, believed them, and went with it, and I'm very grateful to my parents for providing me all of these things. To be honest, compared to many people, I'm spoiled because:

-I have crab or lobster on my birthday every year
-My family and I go to the beach once every year (sometimes twice but not that often)
-I eat sushi about every other week
-I wear designer jeans
-I have a pretty decent amount of makeup from expensive brands like NARS and Lancome, but I have nowhere as much as the beauty gurus these days
-I have a pretty large room
-I get in the area of 20 gifts for Christmas every year (only child rewards)
- I have a jewelry mannequin that is smothered with jewelry
-I have an iPhone, but it's only the 3gs
-I have a computer all to my own
-I have two televisions in my house
-I have my very own camera and video camera

You get what I'm saying. Most people would consider me spoiled, and most of the time I do as well. This is where it gets complicated. I go on YouTube, and I watch videos with beauty gurus and supposedly normal kids who are my age. They have much more things than me, they have televisions in their room, laptops, and iPads, and they get to go shopping every week- I only get to go shopping every month. Is it that I'm spoiled or are they spoiled? Also, is it both? Am I just spoiled and they are just Really spoiled?

Bro, I live in South Africa.
The good thing about that is that you learn to appreciate what you have.

You can always look at people who have more than you, but just realize this… You have more that 70% of the world population. So be grateful bud!

You are both spoiled given you said," I have an iPhone BUT its only 3GS" it's still an iPhone even though its not the newest one its still expensive and most can afford it. The reason other people have more stuff and go shopping more is probably cause their parents make more money then yours. Stop worrying about what you don't have and be greatful for what you do.

Little kids/teens on Youtube who have everything they want/need are probably earning all that money themselves or are probably rich. For example: @TaliaJoy18 has an iPhone, millions of cases, own laptop, makeup thats expensive, eBay/amazon accounts and alot of expensive clothing. If you have seen her videos, people send her all those gifts and she didn't ask, they just love her alot and want to give her gifts for making her videos. She earns all the money that she uses for her clothing, makeup, jewelry etc. She bought herself that camera, so not all of them are spoiled.

Alot of people who have all those things, might work in Youtube, because Youtube ask people with alot of subscribes who are older than 18+ to work in Youtube, making money each time they upload a video, since Youtube is a large and rich company, they will get payed alot. Some of them earned 1000$ each day. Since they are earning that money, they are not spoiled. Since Talia has an older sister(i think) has cancer, with 100, 000 subscribers sending her gifts every month, of course she will get anything she likes, or receives and she's only 12/13 years old.xx


Yes, you are a spoiled child. Yes, the children who post the videos of themselves with all of their "toys" on youtube are also spoiled children.

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