Android or iPhone for my mom?

My mom's flip phone finally gave out after like 8 years. So know we have to get her a new phone within a few days because she needs it in case of an emergency. My mom is not that great with technology. I have always used android but i have heard the iPhone is easier to use. I'm debating what i should get her?

Android, iPhones are a rip off, save your money and buy her a normal android that can do everything an iPhone can do and even more, and phones are not hard to use, if my grandma can use one, your mom won't have a problem at all. Lol.

IPhone is better because it is simpler to use, but has less customization than android, I think you should get her an iphone.

Get her an Android. I'm 72 and have an LG. Cheaper one, cost $125.00. Does everything I want it to and I never even turn on my computer any more!

Androids are really good phones, particularly Samsung- especially since the screen doesn't break so easily like the iPhone screens do. Androids offer a range of different phones for different prices and they offer a certain mode that makes it simpler and easier to use the phone (samsung has this mode).

Android's are easy to use. Simple basic buttons and features

New flip phones are still available from all major cell phone companies.
While either an android or an Iphone are nice to have and have LOTS of extras which she probably will never use. If all she does is make telephone calls get a new flip pnone. Nothing beats an easy to use flip phone for making telephone calls.
T-Mobile model.

IPhone for sure. Easier to use with a wow factor

Get her an Android with "easy mode" or similar.
She can switch to normal as she learns.

You already know about Android. If you get her an iPhone, you will both have to learn how to use it.

Get an Android. You can help her with that with your experience

I'd get the iPhone.

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