Apple Macbook Pro 13 will be discontinued? Iphone 5

Is it worth buying a non-retina macbook pro 13inch this year as there's the retina macbook pro line come out and people say next year the non retina macbook pro will be discontinued as there design is 4years old and the retina macbook pros will take over the market… Some also say the non-retina macbook pros will get as thin as the retina mbp next year 2013 so is it worth waiting for it or are they going to stop the non-retina macbook pros… I would buy the retina one but its too expensive compared to the non retina ones… Will the non-retina macbook pro have a face-lift next year? Worth to wait or to buy it now?

AND which is the cheapest place in the world to buy an iphone 5 + is it worth the 700$ off contract or is it better to go for an android device?

Lets up tackle the iPhone first. If you are a mac user then you really want to stick to the iPhones. If only because of the ability for the two to communicate with each other and pass info back and forth. I rely on my laptop and desktops to alert me to people, places and things I need to know. However I rely on the iPhone to input these items into my computers directly and via the cloud. If you don't care about this, then the Androids are the way to go. I have heard as little against them as I have heard about the iPhones.
Now for the computer. Jeez Dude or Dudette, the questions. First, get over the retina thing. It is here and will be the new and soon only type of screen. It is beautiful, however I own one with and one without and in reality there's not that much difference, but that is not the problem. There are two things looming in the future retina screens and no internal cd/dvd burners. Maybe not next year but soon.
So, you really want someone here, or anywhere to come up with what Apple will do? Sweetie I have been dealing with them from around 1983 or 84. No one to date has figured out what they were really going to do. They have perfected the surprise factor under Jobs. How it is going to change, again no one knows. They really need to keep secrets.
So what do you do. If you really want a new computer, and you want the pro, you will have to decide if you need it now and get what ever screen you want. Or you will have to wait until the new line comes out, which will be early next year. Then you will find out if all the Pros and Airs will be retina screens or not. Then you will see the new prices, there will still be plenty of this years production still for sale.

I doubt the Macbook Pro will be discontinued that quickly. It costs less, works well, has a disk drive, and has an Ethernet port. The Retina has problems right now because it's so new. The Macbook Pro has been around so it has been perfected and doesn't have the problems that the Retina is facing right now (look up "ghosting retina").

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