Can't find phone and contacts icons on iPhone 4: How to get them back?

I have an iPhone 4 and I can't find the 'phone' and 'contacts' item on the homescreen. I got my phone a few months back and they were there, but I noticed a couple of weeks ago that they were gone.

When I go scroll across to the page where you search and I double click, there are items listed on the bottom and the contact and phone icons are there. So I can get the them.

How do I get the icons back to the homescreen?

Added (1). I looked on every page and they aren't on it. How do I restart without getting rid of all my saved numbers, paid apps and music?

Added (2). I got it from my sister and she already updated it to iOS 6.0 and a few months back it automatically updated to iOS 6.0.1

Try restarting your phone. Or maybe when you were switching icons around they accidentally made their way to the second page or are in a combined box

Maybe if you downloaded iOS 6 it has gone wrong, iOS 6 is said to have lots of bugs and glitches but I never came across them on my iPhone 4. Try backing up everything onto your computer and doing a system reset and everything should be back to original settings and original built in apps. Hope I helped

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