Can't connect iPhone 5 to car stereo?
I have an Alpine CDE-102 and in having trouble connecting my iPhone 5 via the USB port on the stereo. When I connect the iPhone it reads "Device Error".Is there any way to fix it?
If you actually read the manual, you need the proprietary alpine cable to connect to the phone, and it doesn't support the lightning connector
Check what models of the Iphone work with your radio. I noticed alot of the stereos on the shelfs don't support the Iphone 5 yet also the same for the new Ipod. But you could just use a audio cable and sacrafice the charging and control.
I wish the lunk heads would shut their trap when they don't know what they are talking about. IPhone 5 and car stereo's don't work. The Lightning Connector communication is too propitiatory for car stereo company's to spend their resources on. The 30 pin connector allowed data controlling and analog audio on the same connector. Now it's digital only data.
Go to the Apple Store and ask them. There are adaptors available that might work for you.
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