Did my iPhone 4 get a virus?
I recently travelled to England (I'm from the states). I did use some free Wi-Fi spots when I found them if that has anything to do with it. Anyway now eversince I came home the texting between my family and I is messed up. I will text someone and it will come through as an email address. Then I will be texting my grandmother and it will send the entire conversation to my mom saying she set the messages that I wrote… I know kinda confusing. Also some messages my grandmother won't be able to read. It just started when I returned home. It's literally like the whole conversation will just get sent straight to my mother that she wasn't included in… Help!
There are essentially no viruses for iPhones. What you should do instead:
- Back up your phone (when it's connected to iTunes or via iCloud)
- Restore your phone (when it's connected to iTunes)
That should straighten it out (and if there *is* a virus, that will get rid of it).
This is link to PC WORLD.com… This should straighten you out on the subject matter http://www.pcworld.com/..._know.html
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