Did Steve jobs actually invent the iPhone and the iPad off of alien artifacts?
I was reading stores where Steve jobs and a couple of other people in the 70s went to a government place where they were shown alien artifacts that came from the moon.
Some of them look like iPhones and iPad. Steve jobs tested them out and so did a couple of other people he was with.
The government wanted Steve jobs and his men to try to make things like this one day.
Of course not.
No, such there are no such things.
Well silicon printed circuits are the only thing to have been invented before anyone knew how to make them
The level of gullibility of kids today is astounding.
Nah, that technology was in scifi well before iPhone.
iirc 2001 a space odisey had tablets and ds9 had sisko edit a video on a tablet like device before iphone.
Its more obvious that Stanley Kubrick and Issac Asimov were was communicating with aliens.
Do you believe every stupid thing you hear?
O.K. - I have no problem with the E.T. Bit (in fact figure that's likely) - even a crashed E.T. Spacecraft, I would not rule out - BUT that's the end of it.
Just thiink a LITTLE -if all true, since not reported too the public, I'm sure you would need securiity clearance to know ANYTHING about it. And even more sure government would want the technology all to themselves - at least for a littlle while.
NO WAY are they going to take technology from unknown origin, hand it to just ANY business man, and tell them figure out how it works and it's all yours - that would not make any scene - you see that?
Definitely not. The Bible says there's no life in outer space.
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