Do Beats sound good from a amplifier?
I've recently bought the iband the my iphone 3gs however my Beats tours have an 'L' jack (where it gets plugged into the audio device) doesn't go in fully making only one headphone work if i use an iphone amplifier would the headphones go better or worst
Yes, the amp increases power to beats, i had a pair and used both ways.
- Will my Beats by dre Mixr sound better on the Samsung Galaxy S3, or iPhone? Basically my old contract has ended and i'm looking to purchase a new phone, and it's between the iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3. One of the main features that i'm looking at is the sound quality with the Beats headphones, as i also have an ipod but it's quite old. Is the sound quality better with the iPhone 5 or samsung galaxy s3? Sound quality with the Beats by Dre headphones comparing the iPhone5 with the SG3.
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- What are some good headphones to look into besides beats? I currently own a pair of beats studio first gen wired headset since 2013 black Friday, i want a headset that can do bass more then the studio its their but i gotta turn my iPhone up to about 5 before full blast, if you can recommended a pair thats less then 150$ Canadian would be awesome prices difference if your in the states lol