Do I sound like a Spoiled Rich Brat? - 1

Okay so my friends are always calling me a "spoiled rich brat" it actually bothers me being as I'm beyond grateful and truly blessed to have the things I have. Below are a few things I own. I was just wanting other peoples input!

-4 Louis Vuttion Purses
-I am receving my dream car for my first car
-I drink Starbucks daily (I know it's bad for me don't comment)
-I have many other designer purses
-All my jewlery is real diamonds, gold, ect
-I am home schooled due to not enjoying other people
-I go shopping daily
-I usually get everything I ask for when I ask for it
-I own Chanel and Prada
-I only carry designer purses
-My closet is a walk in with an extension for my shoes
-I upgrade phones as soon as a new one comes out (and yes I only use iPhones)
-I have my own cat whom my parents purchased just for me
-We recently moved and my room was done first because I asked for my parents to do it
-I have my own bank account which my parents supply money in the hundreds for me almost daily
-I have the biggest room in my house
-I only shop at designer places or places like PINK/Bath & Body Works and places like that
-I have my own laptop, $700 camera and an iPhone

I have a lot more but I feel like this would be hella annoying to read so you tell me Am I a Spoiled Brat or are my friends overreacting.

Well your naming everything materialistic that you own so you probably already know that you do and I'm guessing you brag about it, and there's nothing worse than a bragger?

Yes you are. Not all rich people are spoiled, but you're here bragging about it.

Well, you sound lonely and insecure, frankly. Secure people don't talk about what they have.

If you were secure, you might mention how many times you've given blood, or the number of hours you volunteer, or how many people you've helped register to vote.

Whether you have a designer purse doesn't say anything about you as a person. It doesn't say if you're nice or kind or hard-working. It doesn't say that you're interesting or caring. It just says that your parents have money.

The fact that you can't get along well enough with people to go to school is very telling. It means you lack the social skills you need later to succeed. Even if you never have to work, you'll need social skills to meet others, to travel, to get on in life. You don't really want to be stuck at home all day, do you?


Just because you have many things, that doesn't mean you are a spoiled brat. It is how you treat people which includes your generosity that determs your character. Hopefully you believe the Bible to be true and if you do, In Old Testament Bible King Solomon was the richest and wisest man who ever lived. He was never known as a brat but as wise, he had more money than anyone during that time and so my point is, it is not the money that makes a person a brat, it is there character that makes them a brat.

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