Do people read less nowadays because of technology?

Ever since I got the new iPhone 4S a few months ago, I've been reading significantly fewer books than I did before I got it. I've been reading my friends' Twitter updates and badly written Yahoo articles on my iPhone instead.
I used to read one book every two weeks (usually a Victorian novel), but now I read one book a month. I also get distracted more easily when I'm reading because my iPhone beeps every time someone texts or messages me…

Do people read less nowadays because of technology?

I think so yes. I certainly do. I suppose that before such technology existed there weren't many better things to do on a rainy day than read. Everytime I want to sit down and finish a book, I won't because I'll be thinking of what I'm missing on Facebook or whatever.

Yes. Once, I haven't have TV for a whole year. It was a few years ago, and I didn't have any fancy cell phone either. I had no technology and all I did was read. And play board games. But mostly read. I had no distractions from technology. I just had books and different worlds. I really miss that.

Technology is supposedly the way forward and in your situation i believe it is right. You can read classic books mostly for free on ibooks and if you feel distraction you can switch it to airplane mode which won't disturb you until you switch it back to normal.
And if you are one of those people who like to physically HOLD the book, then you can do and just switch the phone to airplane mode to keep things peacefull.

Stupid people do, yes. Smart people don't.

I read less because 1. I have a short attention span and 2. I get a little too hooked on Facebook, Flickr, and working on my blog.

It also doesn't help that I have a husband and my dad lives with us right now in a 2 bedroom apartment with little room to go elsewhere to read. I still make time where I can though even if it means doing so while on the toilet. Haha.

I can't speak for everyone but I do think some people; myself included, read less partially because of technology. Doesn't make me or anyone else stupid, just easily distracted.

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