Does a simcard store any personal info?

I'm going to sell an iphone on eBay but I'm wondering if there could be any harm done if I sell it with the simcard

Along with the text messages, the SIM card holds your phone contacts with the related information like names and numbers, and history of calls including dates and times. This is why law enforcement seeks to gain entry to SIM cards in order to connect criminals to their associates. The SIM card also contains several pieces of information that relate to the security protocols, the network carrier, your Personal Identification Number (PIN), an unblocking code, and the services you use, like applications. Another very important piece of data is the last location of the phone, which is often useful in locating missing people.

Most (if not all) don't sell their SIM card with the phone. That contains your number so you should be the one to keep that.

SIMs nowadays though store the phone number, the carrier data & data/MMS settings & maybe contact/SMSs.

Again though, your SIM, your number, your property.

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