Does Kuaiyong really work & does it contain viruses?
Does that new app ( I guess i can call it that) Kuaiyong really work & does it contain any viruses ect? I have a jailbroken iphone on 5.1 & i want to update it now since Installous closed down for good and that was the main reason why i jailbroke it in the first place.
Has anybody tried it yet? & If so is it any good like Installous?
Used today on iPhone 5 iOS 6 and worked great. Kuaiyong Tutorial Video Guide - Best Installous replacement. No JB required
It works really good and quite simple! Using it right now: D
It works, but for some reason it has a bad mywot rating
It works perfectly. I installed a cracked app on my iOS 6.0.1 device. Windows Defender didn't detect that as a virus.
I've installed it and it's great. There's no jailbreaking needed. As of the moment though, there isn't an English version. However, it's so simple to use you don't even need to be able to read Chinese to use it! You just look up the app you want, hit a few buttons, it downloads, and then if your iPod is connected to your computer after it downloaded, it'll automatically sync. I haven't gotten any viruses yet, and it works great.
However, either the search is very sensitive, or they don't have EVERY game. I couldn't find The World Ends With You… :I
Honestly, wait for English version, on their site it says it's coming soon.
I used this today. It works completely perfect on Windows 7. Some apps crash (Bloons TD 5) but most work. It installs no viruses whatsoever. The downloads are kind of slow depending on the size. It doesn't require jailbreak.
Install that app, its so easy to use.
Kuaiyong works. Confirmed it on my iPhone 4S on iOS 6.0.1.
However I wouldn't recommend upgrading to iOS 6. I mean seriously there isn't any major update in iOS 6 over iOS 5. I mean I would chose a JB phone on iOS 5 rather than a non JB phone on iOS 6.
Moreover there's a chance if virus too. It's uses an Apple Developer Enterprise account to sign apps so you don't need UDID for that. They can modify the apps if they want to which might prove to malicious (however chances of that are minimal).
Also Kuaiyong doesn't have lots of apps on it.
And it wouldn't take time for Apple to close the developer account and hence close Kuaiyong.
If you running a JB phone on iOS 5, stick to it. There are many alternatives coming up. AppCake is one of the example.
Also since you are on JB phone, you could down any cracked app from the net and sync it to your device. You could get literally any cracked app from the net and then just sync it to your device. All this not possible with Kuaiyong.
Stick to iOS 5 with JB. I'm regretting upgrading to iOS 6 anyways. I lost my JB on iOS 5.1.1
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