Does the computer/iphone/reading worsen your vision or is it genetics?

Does the computer/iphone/reading worsen your vision or is it genetics?

There's absolutely no evidence that any of these things make your vision worse. Its about the shape of your eye which changes as you grow. Now some of what the shape of your eye is relates to genetics but it isn't the only thing. You can have bad eyesight when noone in your family does.

At the moment there's evidence that myopia rates are on the rise. This is being investigated but so far a cause has not been found. Evidence does nto support TV's etc being a cause. There was one recent study which seemed to show some evidence that not getting any sun earlier in life might make a difference but that is in its infancy and there was no suggestion that going into the sun would fix bad eyesight.

Straining your eyes to focus on small text is not great for you and can lead to other eye conditions but does not cause myopia and hyperopia. Poor vision is mostly caused by genetics or the shape of your eyes/head. The shape of your eye and your head change as you get older.

I definitely don't recommend doing any heaving reading on a really small screen. Computers are a better because they have bigger text but anything where your eyes are focused on one thing for a very long time can be a strain and that includes traditional books.