Does the mirror show you what you really look like?

Well, Please note. I'm a very insecure teenage girl.
Well, I've lost like ALOTT of weight over the past year, and Last night This girl who has an iphone wanted me to take a picture with her so I did, She sent it to me so I could upload today. And my face looked really fat, and My neck did to. And my nosed looked huge.
I take alot of pictures at school in the mirrors with my phone and I don't look fat in those pictures, I mean people tell me I'm pretty all the time.
But which one is more accurate in how people see me? The mirror, or the camera/Iphone. :/

Your camera does not help your appearance, neither does an Iphone. For example, whenever you look into an Iphone to look at a zit it makes it look 1000 times worse. Mirrors are your best bet.

The mirror. Everyone looks different in pictures, and I'm sure you look worse to yourself because as you said, you're insecure, and probably see your flaws rather then the good things about you. I'm sure your beautiful!

I look so much better in a mirror. I look much fatter in pictures.

The mirror.