Dropped iPhone in Water 6 hours ago?

About 6 hours ago in school, I put my phone on the toilet paper holder in the bathroom while I hung my backpack on the hook. I stepped back and my phone fell into the toilet bowl. Panicking I quickly took it out and dried it off with a jacket inside my bag. I also took a disinfectant wipe to clean it up. After that, the phone was fine and looked fine. But 3 hours later, my phone got black spots on the screen and the back camera stopped working. As soon as I got home about 3 hours later I put it in rice. Does anyone know if the rice will still be effective at this point?! I'm freaking out since it's a new phone.

Rice is used to try to reduce moisture and therefore prevent damage being done. Unfortunately it sounds like you've already done the damage, rice isn't going to repair anything. It can only help stop it getting worse.

Put in rice

Rice doesn't magically reverse damage. It actually doesn't do anything, its just a matter of letting it dry out several days and see if damage was done or not. If damaged then take it to an apple store and see how much damage was done