Dropped my iPhone in toilet, put it in rice, started working the. It turns off again?

I've heard I can get a new iPhone for free at the apple store. My friend got here for free. Anyways when the phone was on, there was blue lines on the screen. So will I get it for free or? Btw I still have warranty

It will NOT be free… Lmao

people with factory defects in the hardware and software and firmware get free replacements… This is called warranty… Just like a car…

people who damage their phone, crack it, drop it in any form of liquid, smash it, or has any form of customer damage… Warranty is VOID… You must file an insruance claim of $49-$399, depending on make/model phone… And that is only if you got the Asurion Wireless Insurance premium on your wireless monthly bill… OR… Poaid $99.99 once a year via Apple itself…

Don't like my answer? Tough… Think about this like a car… You drive a cool like… And suddenly, smash your car into a lake… The water has frozen up your engine obviously… So, your telling me… You want the Car Dealer to give you a free new car cause your stupid but can't drive right? LMAO! Oh heck no! You gonna cough up $1000+ by calling Geico or Allstate… Lmfao!

In this case, you want youre wireless carrier OR Apple to give you a free iphone cause you can't stay off the iphone to poop or pee? Think about it…