Facebook Marketplace scam? Can he get his money back?

My twins brothers bought 2 cell phones on facebooks marketplace (through 2 separate sellers.)

They went to their provider to have them turned on and the 1st iphone came on no problem. Apparently, the other iphone was still under someone elses account and they said it can't be turned on until its removed. (Which means either 1, the phone was stolen 2. Its under a leased contract thats not up yet or 3. They simply forgot to remove the device )

I contacted the Facebook guy that sold it to my brother. He said, he also bought it through facebook marketplace but only decided to sell it because he was told the phone was unlocked and could be used with any carrier and that was false.

He ended up giving me the 'original' sellers name, phone number and facebook. I messaged him earlier but have not received a response yet.

I'm going to wait another day or two but if he doesn't respond, is there anything else I can do?

A sucker is born every day. Had he done his due diligence (met seller at the provider to confirm phone works), this would have never happened.

Nothing he can do, he made a blind purchase.

He's not getting his money back - never buy things on facebook marketplace, dear

The only way he can get his money back is to sue the person he bought the phone from in small claims court. He will need to know the seller's full name and address in order to serve him
The contract is between your brother and the guy he bought the phone from - the one the seller bought the phone from does not owe your brother anything. If the person who sold the phone to your brother wants to do anything then HE is the one who needs to sue the person he bought the phone from

When are people going to learn that if you are buying a used phone you always meet the seller in person at a store of either YOUR phone provider or the seller's phone provider, have the phone checked there and transfer the name on the account at the store. If the seller won't do this you don't buy the phone.

Until he Responds back there may not be much he can do