Have you ever noticed alot of people on food stamps have an iPhone?

Everytime I go to the store, they are on iPhones but using food stamps, why is this?
I believe if you want an iPhone which to me is a luxury you should pay for it yourself, agree or disagree.

Yes, no one without a job should have one.

Can't say that I have.

I have noticed some people on welfare with iPhones and nice shoes, but I wouldn't say it's a lot. I agree with you though that you ought to be able to pay for your own food before getting a nice phone, a smart phone on one line is at least $80 a month, certainly enough to put a nice dent in the grocery bill.
It was the people like that who'd get angry with me when I served food at a homeless shelter for not giving them more food. Their plates would already be full and have five courses but it wasn't enough, they needed more (never mind the 50 people in line behind them).It annoyed me so much, especially since they were eating better than I was, for free and they weren't thankful for it. But with all that said, most people we served and who were in welfare weren't like that, most of them were very grateful, just a few rotten apples here and there that give the rest a bad name.

Yes I have more than once and wonder where their priorities are or that they think the government will take care of them so they can spend their money as they want.

I don't really notice that but I don't like to judge.