How are young adults able to pay for their luxury cars?

And still be able to go out to clubs, concerts, have an iPhone, friends, school and a life? I don't get it?

Daddy's money

Rich parents. (or very gullible!).

It's Called the Banks Money.

Their parents pay for everything. Spoiled kids who will never understand the value of a dollar.

The only ones I know who can do that have rich parents; myself, I drive a 1999 Jeep ;-)

Mommy and Daddy or they maxed out a few plastic cards

Moms money or dads dough

You don't actually think that they earned it, do you? They are considered as the perfect definition of "spoilt".It all comes down to their parents money. Take my advice, don't you even dare envy that. They are gonna regret that… Someday! ~_~

Because we're young, free & wild… Jk

i dunno to be honest. Youngsters do not have to pay bills and stuff.

talking about luxury cars! I just got a new car! Its an audi r8 coupe whiteee

Parents pay for it all.

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